Top 5 must-have pool cleaning tools for homeowners.

Mark Larm Mar 21, 2023
17 People Read
Swimming pool equipment must haves. Skimmer net, brush, vacuum and test kits.

Top 5 must-have pool cleaning tools for homeowners.

If you're a new homeowner with a swimming pool or just getting ready to tackle the job for the first time,  it's essential to have the right tools to keep your pool clean and well-maintained. Having the right tools can make the job of cleaning your pool much easier and more efficient. In this blog, we'll explore the top 5 must-have pool cleaning tools for homeowners.

1: Skimmer Net

A skimmer net is an essential tool for removing debris from the surface of your pool. Leaves, twigs, and other debris can quickly accumulate on the surface of your pool, which can make it look dirty and uninviting. A skimmer net allows you to quickly and easily remove debris from the surface of your pool, keeping it clean and inviting.  The right skimmer net with a good edge and a bag to hold leaf's can also allow you to get those leaf's off the bottom of the pool before they leave a stain.  It will also allow you to get those toys the kids left behind that will get into the automatic vacuum and not only keep it from doing it’s job but cause a lot of strain on the pool pump. 

2: Pool Brush

A pool brush is another must-have tool for homeowners with swimming pools. A pool brush allows you to scrub the tile line and the walls of your pool, removing dirt and debris that can build up over time. Regular brushing can help prevent algae growth by freeing the algae spores off the walls helping the chlorine attack it.  Weekly brushing will keep your pool looking clean and clear. When selecting a brush look at the bristles. Bristles can come in stainless steel, vinyl or a mix of both. A well maintained pool only needs a vinyl brush because you are not trying to scrub off algae that has had time to settle in. Metal brushes are for people who only clean their pool after they have a problem and this is not you.

3: Vacuum

A pool vacuum is a tool that every homeowner with a swimming pool should have. A vacuum allows you to remove dirt and debris that has settled on the bottom of your pool. There are two types of pool vacuums: manual and automatic. Manual vacuums require you to push them around the pool, while automatic vacuums can be left to do the job on their own.  Suction side automatic vacuums do not use any more electricity because they run off the suction of the swimming pool allowing them to clean the whole time the pool pump is on.  There is a variety of automatic pool cleaners, some are great at picking up larger debris while others are only good in a pool that does not get any leaves.  Some vacuums have a turning mechanism in them so they cover the entirety of the pool while others randomly creep around the pool.  

4: Chemical Test Kit

Maintaining the chemical balance in your pool is essential to keeping it clean and safe for swimming. A chemical test kit allows you to test the pH, chlorine, and other chemical levels in your pool. This tool is essential for ensuring that your pool is properly balanced and safe for swimming.  Test strips are the easiest to use but no matter what kit you buy remember to keep them out from not only smart, it will give you the confidence you need to feel comfortable around these harmful the sun and heat.  You rely on them being accurate and they rely on you to protect  them.

5: Safety Equipment 

Safety glasses and gloves are essential personal protective equipment (PPE) that should be worn when adding chemicals to a swimming pool.  Protecting yourself from harmful chemicals is products.  

A: Protecting Eyes: Chemicals used in pools such as chlorine and acids can cause severe eye irritation or even blindness if they come into contact with the eyes.  Safety glasses can help prevent eye injuries by providing a barrier between the chemicals and the eyes.

B: Preventing Skin Irritation:  Chemicals can also cause skin irritation and burns if they come into contact with skin.  Gloves can protect hands from being exposed to chemicals.

C: Chemical Inhalation: Yes you can wear a respirator but it must be a respirator and not a mask.  As you can see I did not add it to the list.  I find that respirators are a little scary and could keep some people from feeling like they can clean their own pool.  I find it easy to keep in mind that a breeze can be your friend.  Liquid Acid will give off a cloud that you can only see on a cold day and will hurt your lungs so hold your breath and don’t stand with your face above the mixing bucket when adding acid.  If you're adding it directly to the pool, hold it low to the water and walk up wind starting from the deep end.  Side note, never add acid in one spot unless it is directly in front of a return line that is on, it can etch the bottom of the pool.  Some chemicals used in pool maintenance, such as shock treatments, produce strong fumes that can also cause respiratory irritation or damage to the lungs.  Again, keep this in mind when adding them.  

In conclusion, these five tools are essential for homeowners with swimming pools. By having the right tools, you can keep your pool clean and well-maintained, ensuring that it's always ready for you and your family to enjoy. So, if you're a homeowner with a swimming pool, be sure to invest in these must-have pool cleaning tools today!  If you want to get the right tool the first time visit where I put links to only the pool cleaning equipment that I use and recommend.  

 You can also see my training videos at   YouTube@HappyPools